The sons, daughter and wider family circle of the late Annie Wilson wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised with us on our recent sad bereavement.
Sincere thanks to all those who called at the house, left food, left meals, telephoned, sent flowers, Mass cards, letters, cards and messages of sympathy.
A special thank you to the management and staff of Rivervale Country Private Nursing Home, Dunnamore, for their excellent care, attention and professionalism throughout Annie’s residence this past year. Also, we wish to thank all the carers who attended Annie in her own home for several years prior to her admission to Rivervale. Grateful thanks to the doctors and staff from Loy Medical Centre, Cookstown, for their care and attention.
We wish to thank Fr O’Donnell and Fr Hughes for attending Annie in Rivervale, and Fr Hughes again who celebrated the Requiem Mass in such a comforting way. Also, we wish to thank all those who visited Annie during her residence in Rivervale.
The Covid-19 pandemic made it difficult for all, however we remain touched by the amount of people who gathered outside the house, those who lined the route of the funeral cortege, plus those who gathered outside the church for the funeral Mass for Annie.
We wish to thank Gerry Loughran for his beautiful prayerful singing and music, and also the gravediggers and the sacristan.
We also thank Joanna and Michael of Niall Loughran Funeral Directors for their advice and efficiency throughout this sad time.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Annie’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 22 January 2021 at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church, Dunnamore.
Dunnamore, Dungate, Killucan and Broughderg.