There has been one new Covid-related death reported by the Department of Health in Northern Ireland today (Friday) – for the first time in more than three weeks.
It occurred in the Newry, Mourne and Down area.
According to the official dashboard there were a further 339 – up 13 – positive cases reported in the last 24 hours with 26 in Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon. There were 58 in Newry, Mourne and Down – the second highest in NI behind Derry and Strabane (74) – while Mid-Ulster District recorded 20.
A total of 2,444 individuals were tested.
There are 26 – up five – people in hospitals across Northern Ireland as a result of the virus, two of whom are in an intensive care unit.
There are six Covid patients – up one – in the Southern Trust area, five of whom are in Craigavon Area Hospital, the other in St Luke’s, Armagh.
There are currently 15 ICU beds available in Northern Ireland.
The overall total number of deaths recorded by the Department now stands at 2,156.
The Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council area accounts for 285 deaths overall. Newry, Mourne and Down District accounts for 169 deaths while Mid-Ulster has registered 206 deaths.
Meanwhile, it’s ‘grab a jab’ time this weekend with mobile vaccination clinics coming to a number of locations.
This is part of a big push to get as many people vaccinated as possible.
A Belfast Trust mobile vaccination bus will be at Belfast City Hall on Saturday (tomorrow) from 2.30pm – 8pm.
Also on Saturday, a Southern Trust walk-in Covid vaccine clinic will be open at the Quays in Newry, beside Boots, from 9.30am – 3.30pm.
A South Eastern Trust vaccination bus will be at Castlewellan Community Centre, 32 Circular Road, Castlewellan, on Saturday from 11.00am – 7.00pm.
On Sunday, it will be Newcastle’s turn, with the bus located at Donard Park Car Park from 11.00am – 7.00pm.
Those attending these facilities must bring photographic ID and where possible their Health & Care number.
Further walk-in and mobile vaccination clinics will be held across NI in the coming days.
Health Minister Robin Swann said: “I welcome these latest walk-in clinics, bringing the vaccine directly to the community.
“My message to anyone who hasn’t got their vaccine yet is simple – get the jab done. Vaccination protects you and others. It protects the most vulnerable in our community. To counter the spread of the Delta variant, we need to get first and second doses to as many people as possible in the coming weeks.
“Vaccination is our passport to better times and to getting back to normality.”
Anyone aged 18 and over can also book their first Pfizer dose at any of NI’s regional vaccination centres.
To book online go to: covid-19.hscni.net/get-
Appointments can also be made using the telephone service 0300 200 7813.